now playing: yuki satellites - radix/rymdlego

axam.vbs's almost-too-faithful
website experience adventure deluxe edition plus plus
welcome to my webpage! :-)

hello i'm axam/yumz/molly and i'm setting this page up bc i love the old web and have an interest in old tech and software (this whole website is being made using Microsoft FrontPage 2002!!)

The site will eventually be updated from the awful look it's got now but i still want to preserve the tackiness/amateurism that alot of old personal webpages had because i think it's genuinely charming and also very nostalgic of the era of the internet i just managed to catch a glimpse of as a kid before it faded out in the mid 2000s lol.

more about me :-)

i like:

i don't like:


- pre-2005 technology + software
- vinesauce
- jerma985
- most art
- alternative culture and history
- star trek: deep space 9 (but im only up to season 3!!!!)
- hlvrai
- air traffic control
- .mod music and trackers (like FTII)
- many other things i tend to always forget
- my friends and my partner :3

- rich old white men
- most loud sudden noises
- shareholders
- current capitalism in general really
- terfs/radfems
- small rooms
- slimy or fatty mouthfeels
- expectations
- the satay chicken from that one chinese place



Last updated: 19-06-2023 5:34:44 PM